Services to individuals
Actus Via accompanies you in the realization of your project respecting your personal ecology. Unlike a motivational style we propose a humanistic coaching approach.
1º) Individual coaching for individuals
Individual coaching for individuals commonly called “life coaching” uses the main tools of traditional coaching. Actus Via has a humanist perspective and is focused on action as a way to personal improvement. Actus Via favors personal change: Actus Via takes into consideration the moment of life the client is living. To this end, it is important to identify which personal stage the client is going through. We can identify two main stages: the “beginning stage” and the “transitional stage”. The transitional stage is composed of four stages: Achievement stage ; Routine stage ; Resistance stage, and Renewal stage.
Actus Via promotes personal change:
Aiming to boost changes in condition, Actus Via assists the client to the achievement of his/her goal, by assessing, understanding and assisting individuals to explore their current environment internally and externally. We aim to do this by catalyzing our clients thought process with exploration of the key points below:
Promoting a clean environment in various aspects of the client’s life:
- Material -> How is your living place? Your financial situation?
- Geographical -> Do you like where you live?
- Physical -> Are you in shape? Are you feeling good with your body?
- Relationship -> Are you happy with your interpersonal relationships? Family, friends? Partner?
- Professional -> How do you interact with co-workers?
- Cultural -> Do you share ideas? Do you keep learning?
- Sense of well-being -> Are you in peace with yourself? Do you want to invest more time on your personal development?
Supporting the client in their process of personal introspection:
- Does your attitude suit your personal environment?
- You are capable and talented however do you have properly identified your resources?
- Do you have the ideal conditions to maximize your potential?
- Do your beliefs make your life easier? Do they honestly cheer you up or are they hurdles to your development?
- Are you living according to your principles and values?
- Does your self-esteem allow you to channel your emotions thoroughly?
- Does your identity and your image correspond to yourself truly?
- Are you satisfied with your level of communication with your personal environment?
2º) Group coaching for individuals: outdoor seminars
Actus Via proposes outdoor seminars where you can enjoy the coaching in a different environment. The coach will supervise the group walk, while he gives individual coaching sessions. Our coaches conduct individual sessions that will establish a personal relationship with customers and promote an environment of personal exchange in group sessions. Actus Via believes teamwork stimuli can be very advantageous for a group of individuals although their motivations may be different. We want to create a positive dynamic, in order to facilitate the development of each individual in an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual support. This exchange will augment the enjoyment of whole experience.
Benefits – 7 days, 7 environment improvement that can be directly applied to your life:
The daily routine and healthy walk together stimulates proactivity and informal exchange of ideas or emotions within the group. Actus Via encourages participants to share skills to the group, taking the initiative, and to be exchanged between them emotions and mutual ‘feeling’ to make the experience complete. Besides the health benefits, sharing a 7-day journey is a unique opportunity to work on different aspects of your life. Our relationship with our environment affects our own progression. In order to pursue the welfare of the individual in their environment, we will daily work on specific aspects. We say: 7 days, 7 essential environment improvements:
- Material -> Economical situation of the individual and its impact on his/her life.
- Geographical -> Current or ideal place of residence and how to transform it.
- Physical -> Health and well-being, feel good about yourself physically.
- Relationship level -> Interaction with family, friends and partner.
- Professional -> Relationship between coworkers, employees, associates or clients.
- Cultural -> Dedication to learning, transmitting/exchanging experiences and community involvement.
- Vital sense -> Identification of tools to evolve as an individual.
Our outdoor seminars offer:
This kind of seminar is intended for a group of motivated people who have had previous experience with personal development sessions (with a professional or by themselves) or really want to experiment it through this specific seminar experience. The participants’ involvement is very important, facilitating emotional exchange. Finally, we propose an outdoor weekly seminar (at least two per year) and suggest some routes for seven consecutive days (from Saturday to Saturday). The routes are:
Any destination in the world, as long we can work efficiently.
Another location in France from a region which is centrally located and is easily accesible with a variety of itineraries. Far away from any touristic destination.
Le Puy en Velay, Francia, with Pompon Santiago.
Alternatively, we can use external professional collaborations and we can introduce some complementary activities (Yoga, Tai Chi, etc) in order to increase the well-being of the participants.
3º) Individual or Group coaching for individuals in a natural setting
Coaching in a natural setting is characterized by changing the client’s environment, regardless of the presence of the coach. Our client can start a classic coaching relationship and/or complement it with open-air approaches:
In-person coaching in one day:
The coach and the client(s) meet in an environment where they appreciate and feel comfortable, such as: a park, museum, river, lake, and so on. This approach aims to favor the creativity and to open new horizons.
In-person coaching in many days:
Client(s) and coach schedule meetings in a place that is inspiring for everyone involved such as: weekend in the mountains, close to the sea, in the countryside.
Walk with Pompon Santiago in order to introduce the virtues of coaching:
In this type of service there is no direct link between Actus Via’s coach and the individual(s). This service aims to let the individual(s) go for a walk, by him/herself/themselves, or with family, friends or any person interested in coaching approach. Pompon Santiago is 14 years old, and Actus Via’s referent coaches shares Pompon’s welfare. In Actus Via we really appreciate those who respect animals and who can learn from them. We walked through the St. James’ Way with Pompon (from Le Puy en Velay to Santiago of Compostela) and we can suggest our customer similar trips to experience. We can also recommend other routes such as the way of Stevenson (particularly suitable for donkeys). In case you also need other donkeys, Actus Via collaborates with professionals and we will be happy to provide you the contact information to be in touch with those donkey trainer.
In-person coaching with Pompon Santiago and remote support from the coach in many days:
The client(s) is/are responsible for Pompon Santiago and making the trip just with him. This is, without any doubt, the most effective approach and it is recommended to every person who wants to accelerate his/her personal or professional level of awareness. Through the experiment you are going to experience Actus Via’s founding philosophy: “Learning by doing”. The coach is going to be close to the phone all the time in case the client(s) needs help or has any doubts about Pompon’s well-being. The client(s) is/are prepared before the trip and is constantly monitored during it. On the way back, coach and client(s) are going to continue taking advantage of the experience in following coaching sessions.
In-person coaching with Pompon Santiago in many days – with presence of the coach:
The coach, the client(s) and Pompon Santiago meet in a place close to Puy en Velay to start the adventure. The complicity and experience of the ‘team’ that walk more than 1750 km together assures the client(s) a safe walk. Pompon Santiago with his peaceful strength helps you to think, open your horizons, and alleviate your worries, letting you focus on living the experience. You’ll perceive your own basic needs through this noble animal. In this approach we experience nomadic life in the countryside. You are going to need: a camping tent, a sleeping bag, a flashlight, and a backpack.