The coaching contract as a symbol and guarantee
Before signing any contract, Actus Via proposes to anyone interested, either individual or company, a first experimental two hours coaching session (step 1). That will help to facilitate the coach and potential customer’s decision making process (step 2). In case of both customer and coach interests, the chosen coach will send a written contract proposal. Therefore, the customer’s signed contract will mark the beginning of the coaching mission (step 3).
Our relationship with the client is based on mutual trust. Thus, Actus Via offers an experimental coaching session to start, paid according to moral agreement between two parties, coach and customer. This first session lasts 2 hours and during this time:
–The client and the coach will get to know each other better in a professional level.
–The client is going to identify and organize his/her priorities, and define his/her main goal. At this point, some complementary goals can be defined as well.
–The client and the coach are going to verify if both believe their expectations can be met in further sessions.
The purpose is to identify the needs of potential customers and to ensure that the coach intervention serves the interest of the client before starting a collaboration.
After that first two hours discovery coaching session, the referent coach of Actus Via may consider:
– Another partner coach might be more useful for the potential customer. In this case, the referent coach will facilitate contacts to this professional. After a first contact between the client and the partner coach, if both parties want to work together, the partner coach of Actus Via can propose a mission coaching contract (or convention as the vocabulary of each professional) through its separate legal entity (via his/her name or company), different from Actus Via’s one.
– His intervention might be suitable to the potential customer. In this case the referent coach will offer a written proposal contract with the offer it considers most appropriate, according to personal and/or professional customer challenges. The potential client is free to accept this proposal. We remind you here the characteristics of Actus Via’s offer:
1º) Individual coaching for individuals
2º) Group coaching for individuals: outdoor seminars
3º) Individual or Group coaching for individuals in a natural setting
4º) Individual coaching for companies and enterprises
5º) Group coaching – team building for companies and enterprises
If the customer chooses one of our offers and prefer therefore to start our mission of coaching through Actus Via, we commit ourselves to send the customer and/or the company client a written contract proposal.
Actus Via is committed to send a contract that establishes the professional relationship with the customer, whether they are an individual or a company, that stipulates:
– Actus Via’s commitment and responsibility
– The general conditions contract & clauses for mission coaching.
– The specific conditions contracts of the mission coaching. Since the profile and needs of the client (or client company) can vary to meet its challenge, Actus Via offers therefore a customized contract adapted to each client situation.
The signature of this contract marks the beginning of the mission of coaching and commitment of everyone with our entity, Actus Via. The coaching relationship will begin after receiving the proposed contract signed by the client and/or client company. The signature of the contract is a strong symbol of commitment and involvement between coach and client (company client).
Contractual characteristics of each offer:
1) Individual coaching for individuals – The contract as the first sign of change:
Actus Via believes that signing the contract is a powerful commitment to change that increases the client’s engagement towards their goals. The signature of participant signifies the level of expectancy of both coach and client.
2) Group coaching for individuals: outdoor seminars – An individual contract with each of the participants:
Actus Via, in the specific case of a collective coaching, proposes two hours of experimentation with one referent coach and an additional two hours with the other referent coach (i.e four hours in total instead of two usually), co – animator of the seminar. Those hours are met before starting the seminar. There are many targets as different people. Its purpose is to assess whether the expectations of the person interesting in this program fit to the objectives pursued by the collective seminar. The contract between Actus Via and customer refers to a mission coaching contract only and requires at least 12 hours of coaching. The sessions are adapted to the client’s needs therefore the number of hours may vary based on the person’s goals and profile. The first four hours of the coaching session happens before the seminar since the aim is to check and assure if parties agree to work together.
In case of interest confirmed between customer and the animation team coaches a contract is signed between the client and one of the two referent coaches. It is considered that the signing of the contract is a useful and powerful tool towards the preparation of the seminar for everybody. Actus Via’s contract allows to experiment hours of mission coaching before, during the seminar week and after its completion, with each of the two animators coaches.
At the seminar, each person is responsible for the payment of his/her room reservations, transportation solutions, lunches, dinners and other costs related to the participation of the event. The same rule applies equally to the coaches and/or external collaborators.
3) Individual or Group coaching for individuals in a natural setting – An individual contract with each of the person for a specific coaching service or complementary:
If it is possible to sign a mission individual coaching between coach and client, the client(s) is/are responsible for organizing the event. The client(s) take care of reservations and payment that correspond to those additional services and mission of coaching contract.
4) Individual coaching for companies and enterprises – A tripartite contract to secure confidentiality:
We believe that the relationship between the parties of the contract (individual, company, and coach) is based in common interests. Actus Via guarantees maintaining confidentiality in individual coaching sessions. We do not disclose information to third parties without the client’s consent. We are also committed to respect the confidentiality of the agreed conditions and payments terms agreed with the company.
5) Group coaching – team building for companies and enterprises – The tripartite and specific contract as a guarantee of respectual commitment:
We believe that the relationship between the parties of the contract (individual, company, and coach) is based on common interests. Actus Via guarantees absolute confidentiality in the sessions carried out with the team leader and the members of the team. We do not disclose information to third parties without the consent of concerned parties. We are also committed to respect the confidentiality of the agreed conditions and payments terms agreed with the company. The company is responsible for all expenses and logistics: hotel reservations, transportation, meals, and other costs related to the event organization, including those incurred by Actus Via. We are also committed to provide a global contract (between coach and company) where the main goals defined by the team leader are defined.